The TEA has announced that AI grading will be used for the english STARR exams. The state of Texas will save more than $15 million under the new plan.
Proponents of AI grading argue that this change will allow the state to expand on the types of questions asked, including more open-ended questions. Additionally, the cost savings could be reinvested in schools.
Students must pass the STAAR exams to graduate high school. The 9th grade English 1 STARR is already a comprehensive test for freshmen, and some students believe that AI grading could potentially have negative effects.
“I feel that 9th grade will be affected the most from this change to AI because we have the most tests,” said Freshman Morgan Cochran.
Students worry that the AI will misinterpret the way they are trying to answer a specific question and end up getting the question wrong for their creativity.
“STAAR testing will start to get harder because open ended questions and essays will need to be more specific to the question or prompt,” said Sophomore Brianna Shantie. “Meaning people that answer a question more open-minded might get it wrong.”
Another concern is that AI grading will remove the humanity, creativity and original thought from essay writing.
“It’s not fair to use AI grading because it doesn’t pick up on personality and that’s an important factor on students skills,” said Sophomore Kate Smith.
AI’s may not be perfect, but it has the potential to launch the way we administer exams and grade exams.