For years, leaving the classroom to use the restroom was as simple as grabbing a physical pass or a simple “Yes” from the teachers. Unfortunately, this caused several problems. Sometimes, students did not bring the pass back, or they would spend the majority of the class period outside of class. Due to the increase of students doing that, Katy ISD implemented a new bathroom system called “E-Hall pass” which was introduced as of August 29th for the 23-24 school year
Now, passes to exit classes are becoming virtual with the adoption of “e-Hall Pass.” over the past few years, e-Hall Pass has taken over districts and recently was just introduced at Katy ISD.
Not only does e-Hall pass track restroom passes, it also records the time you spend. e-Hall pass has also replaced paper passes to another teachers room. Passes are sent virtually to a teacher’s device, where they can either decline or accept and monitor your time in the restroom.
What prevents students from spending the majority of their class time In the restroom is due to the fact that If you pass the 10 minute mark, it alerts a teacher and turns the pass color from green to yellow.
This is where the controversy about the e-Hall pass comes in. Students believe their time in the restrooms shouldn’t be monitored, and students believe it should not be as complicated to request to use the restroom.
“The pass has made a huge change for students who need to go places they need to go. It’s a whole process to do something so small like go to the restroom or go to a teacher for enrichment,” freshman Kara Tran says she believes she’s one of the many students who does not think e-Hall passes are necessary and the pass is indeed an invasion of privacy.
Although the E-Hall pass system does have its disadvantages. It also has some positive feedback from students and faculty at JHS. Biology Teacher Kayla Wright who’s been a faculty at Katy ISD for 2-3 years states “They take care of their business, they come back because they know I can check the time.” She speaks about how she believes the system is helpful.
E- hall passes have received positive feedback towards some people, but negative towards others. Due to the guidelines of the e-Hallpass, It has prevented students from staying longer than they should and strikes fear from getting written up due to the pass tracking how many times and how long.
“I do believe that Katy ISD Is on top of the game with technologies and policies that are best for students and teachers