A big decision students have to make is whether they take an online or in-person class. Online school can be a better or a similar experience to in-person school. Sometimes people don’t learn as much, but others prefer peace and quiet. People also use it to boost their GPA in the summer. Depending on the student, the experience can be a chance to complete work on their own terms or choose to see a harsh truth.
Some students see online school as a more flexible schedule.
“It’s asynchronous… and it leaves a lot of time for other activities,” said Jennie Dong, a sophomore. Dong says that while some classes are easier such as health, other classes like English can be an increased challenge online.
Speech classes are much simpler online, while in class it is a one-try speech, in front of your peers, online, you have multiple takes in front of either no one or your family. The online environment can fundamentally change the way some courses are conducted.
While it can be taken as an excuse to not do work, many students like Dong use it for convenience and the ability to do other activities.
Ann Burke, a World History teacher, agrees that online school can be good for simpler classes like health. Ms. Burke also thinks that difficulty online depends on the student.
“Some students learn better by reading and listening,” said Burke. Meanwhile, she went on to suggest other students are better at hands-on and interactive activities, which is a strength of in-person school. However, if the opportunities that are presented by online school are not properly utilized, a student could not learn as much or ultimately fail his class.
Another topic that is widely discussed when talking about online education is cheating. Many teachers fear that students may not be fully learning their skills. This is combated by the fact that schools use programs such as Proctorio, to monitor students and keep them locked to their testing screen.
Should you take an online course? If you prefer fewer hands-on activities and are committed to a schedule and keeping up with your work, then online school is for you. If you are more social and a hands-on learner than in person school is a better fit for you.